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Violence is acceptable now is it?

You see kiddies, that's how the grownups do it. If someone offends you, go and smack them in the mouth. Then it's fixed.

Houston YOU have a problem

“HE” works through ME because I’m great! I’m (not) worthy. You shall do what I say because “HE” chose ME! Would you go against “HIM”??”

Hi, nice to meet you, let's get married

I mean, who, when asked to return a bridesmaid dress, cuts it up into little pieces and sends it back to the bride like that? Who does that?

Just don't be a boob

Women have had their bodies exposed in television and movies for decades. The male body is NOT sacred!"

I'm offended!

I have big opinions on Me-again and Haz-been. Bet you can't guess what they are.

All I want for my birthday is...

It's not the first time we've had a sticky table here. God knows what happens on it, but you know what, it didn't matter.

All I want for Xmas is...

But then he said "I could clean the house for you" Unfortunately I got stuck on the "for you" part of that sentence...

One? Or Two?

He's waiting for my response. I chose "one" this time and tried not to interpret the look he gave me. There was a look right? Like he know

A dirty little secret

It's innocently illicit... it makes me want to do the same thing! Just for the excitement of potential discovery.

Did I ever think that was cute?

I once heard someone say something like this. "Those things that you find cute when you're dating your partner, are the same things that...

But is it ever really enough?

For those that don't know, while I was born in Australia my parents are Italian and yes, I inherited those Italian genes. That means,...

The trick is, you missed out on treats.

Halloween was only ever something I saw on American TV as I was growing up. It was never a thing here in Australia but boy did I wish it...

Is it cheap or is it just s*&#

I've gotten right into online grocery shopping in the last few months. My pantry has never been so well stocked! Seriously! I'm spending...

No offense but...

Are there any words more offensive than "No Offense but..." Not long after my first marriage ended, I was out with some friends. We were...

I'm watching YOU

Are you watching YOU? Hubby and I have watched the first two seasons of YOU and were looking forward to watching Season Three which hit...

It's Taylor Made!

This morning hubby asked me if I wanted to go for a drive to our beautiful Clare Valley region and he'd barely uttered the sentence when...

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