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Writer's pictureMargot Saites

Houston YOU have a problem

So how about that Brian Houston hey. It’s never safe to put people on a pedestal. We’re all human. We all have failings. For most of us this rarely becomes an issue in our day to day life but when you are the figurehead of a business or organisation, you make yourself a target. You wag your finger at others for decades. You set yourself up in a position of power and have a false humility that those not under your spell can easily see. “No please, it’s not me, it’s all HIM (pointing upwards)” but they accept and encourage the glory. “I’m great. “HE” chose me! I’m leading “HIS” people. “HE” works through ME because I’m great! I’m (not) worthy. You shall do what I say because “HE” chose ME! Would you go against “HIM”??”

Obviously I’m not privy to what Brian Houston’s internal thoughts are but I’ve seen enough people who have had this mentality in the past. So while the Christian community are saddened by yet another one of their “greats” having a fall, the rest of the world are saying “What? You’re surprised?”

In fact, the more power you’re given by the people, the more rights you think you have. He abused his position for sure, but people should never have elevated him to that status in the first place! Very few would be worthy of that. So he gives in to his urges because he’s a cheating, lowlife, scum, then asks his higher being for forgiveness and goes on wagging his finger at others. He’s no better than you. And he sure doesn’t know any more than you when it comes to spirituality. When it’s something that can’t be scientifically tested, NO ONE can tell you what to believe. Whether it’s horoscopes, vaccination information, homeopathy or spiritual beliefs of any kind, no one knows more than you. There is no direct line to information. You have the same source they do. Your mind. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for people believing what they want to believe whatever the subject, as long as it doesn’t harm any one else’s way of life or break any laws.

I can’t tell people what to believe and I wouldn’t want to, but don’t tell me what to believe either.

I feel sorry for Brian Houston’s family who are now having a private situation splashed around for everyone to see and talk about but that’s the risk you take when you elevate yourself above others.

Brian Houston was a victim of his own status and he must have known that it would always come back to bite him. He should have stepped down while he had the chance but now the world knows that he’s just another low life scum – like his father – and like the spiritual advisers that have gone before him, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker to name a few. So believe in yourself. Trust your own judgement, and don't feed the ego of the power hungry who are always in search for more victims.

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