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Writer's pictureMargot Saites

Turning Margonese, I really think so - Day Sixteen

Day sixteen!! How did that happen!

Yesterday when we were heading out we found a purse just dropped a block away from our apartment.

Obviously we wanted to give it to the owner but there's apartments everywhere. Who would you give it to?

I suggested the konbini a block away but Deno laughed. I mean he's right. I can't imagine they'd go out of their way to locate the owner but maybe they would. We ended up taking it to the Koban outside the Ikebukuro station. Hopefully it gets back to it's owner. I'm also not sure why I put on makeup every day. Within hours, due to the humidity, it's mostly all off - and that includes my waterproof eye makeup. Today was our last full day and we did think about taking a shinkansen and going to another town but we really just wanted to enjoy our favourite places a little more. So first stop, we were off to Shinjuku. This is the third time we've been here on this trip. The first time was at night and we were so tired we really didn't see much. What we did see seemed seedy. The second time, it was really HOT and we had been walking a long time in the sun and hadn't had anything to eat - and we couldn't find the area we were after. THIS time, we were fresh. We found the area no problem (I'll take the points for that one) and realised that yes, it wasn't our imagination, it actually is quite seedy, even on a Saturday morning. First thing I video'd was some people in dress up doing the go-kart thing. Spot the man sleeping on the fence and my handsome Deno at the end

I didn't want to lose the romance of "Master" though so we kept looking for the street that the restaurant could potentially be on, EVEN THOUGH we know it wasn't filmed here and it's not a real restaurant. I was singing the theme music the whole time. You really HAVE to get on board with that one! The show is so good. Here's a few pics from Shinjuku

Did you spot the Godzilla in the picture above? If not, here's the close up

Did you spot KING KONG in the photo above?? If not, here's the close up of that one!

Next we went into Kabukicho tower. Tokyu Kabukicho Tower is a 48-storey skyscraper located in the Kabukichō district of Shinjuku. The 225 m tower was was completed in 2023 as Japan's 19th tallest building I mean, what do you look at first???

This interesting artwork in there is called "lost luggage". Deno disputes that's what it was called. Maybe I'm wrong. I tried to photograph the information but it didn't come out due to the lighting.

After Shinjuku we went to Harajuku. I seem to love this place more and more every time I visit. This time, even Takeshita street wasn't so bad. We went there first and I waited AGES because at the start, there was a camera that came on in sequence, showing the people standing there (us). So I made Deno wait, I wanted to photograph us standing there BUT THE PHOTO DOESN'T SHOW THE VIDEO FOOTAGE CLEARLY!!!! So we waited there for nothing!!! But I'm going to show the photos anyway because I waited so long and it was so hot.

That was me, holding a camera taking a photo.

And this is me and Deno, who walked over when he realised that actually I was telling the truth, there was a camera and it was going to come up any second now.

Above, Deno and I looking at the camera.

I bought a fridge magnet on Takeshita street because, well I haven't really bought anything from Japan to take back believe it or not.

Next stop was the Tokyu building. Deno had seen some clip about it online but we've been here before.

Oh, I forgot to mention, on the way here, we saw heap of people lined up! They line up for everything here!!! It makes you feel like you're missing out on something.

If you go right up to the roof, there's a nice garden area with views of Harajuku

You can see some of the line in the picture above!

That is one of my favourite pictures from today. The clouds were threatening thunder!! Never happened though.

This is what it looks like on the roof top

We took a little rest up here.

Although it threatened to rain and thunderstorm, it didn't.

However, it was very humid!!!

There's some pretty cool mirror work happening as you enter/exit the building,

After Harajuku, we were back to another favourite, Euno Park.

My heart is sad that this is going to be over soon. I love all these places.

So many acts were happening throughout the park. This guy was playing Amazing Grace and his sign said "heavenly music"

We spent quite a bit of time in the park and then.... We decided out last big meal in Tokyo was going to be at the Hard Rock Cafe. NO JUDGEMENT please!!!

I've eaten and enjoyed, sushi, onigiri and noodles out my eyeballs!!

Our waiter, Lucas, was so cute!! Really! I'm really glad we came here.

Also look at this.

Deno and I both ordered Sangria's but I ordered mine with a "to keep" glass and I feel like I also got more!

It's only natural right.

I just hope it makes it home.

Fingers crossed.

I'm feeling like it's going to make an appearance on our balcony, regularly on a Friday night.

Maybe the food was overpriced but it was good. I got a club sandwich and Deno got some chicken burger thing

Deno's said it was made by Leo someone. I mean.. if he's not out in the kitchen doing it, I don't think that flag should be on the burger. Oh, and check this out!!!! We saw a man walking his monkey's!!! By the time I took my phone out to video he'd sat down to feed them but wow, you can have monkey's here? This was the same place we saw the lady with Sonic the hedgehog!! or at least, just a hedgehog.

So after we were fed and fueled, we went back to Tokyo station to have another go at the Imperial Palace.

The Imperial Palace is the main residence of the Emperor of Japan.

It is a large park-like area located in the Chiyoda district of the Chiyoda ward of Tokyo and contains several buildings including where the Emperor has his living quarters, the main palace where various ceremonies and receptions take place, some residences of the Imperial Family, an archive, museums and administrative offices.

THIS TIME we found an entrance we haven't seen before and actually went in! I swear, every time we come to Japan we find new things to do and experience without even trying.

We just followed the crowds in. Sweating but wanting to see what was before us. There really was lots to see in here. You could spend a lot of time, have a picnic on the grounds if you wanted. I mean we probably only saw a little of what was on offer.

I mean, look at the trees!!!!

We went to the top of this thing

Sweating as we went up, and disappointingly, there really wasn't much more to see up there. I wanted to tell everyone coming up "don't bother, it's not worth it" Because seriously, the grounds were enough. It was just so nice to be there. I'm so glad we went back and saw it today.

We stopped to watch some turtles on the way back to the station. They were so cute. Mamma bear was watching

I'm just so sad that this is our last day in Tokyo. How can that be. How did it come so quickly. When will I be back here again? Tomorrow we're off to Narita. I have lots of new memories and I'm looking forward to seeing Narita. Thanks for reading. For now, OYASUMINASAI

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