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Writer's pictureMargot Saites

Turning Margonese, I really think so - Day Fifteen

This morning I went for my usual early morning walk and wanted to cross the road to get to a certain konbini. I saw people standing together and I thought they were waiting for the light to change to cross over the road. I waited there. After a minute or so I thought, "geez these lights are taking a long time" and it was then that I noticed there weren't any lights on the other side of the road and that I was standing at a bus stop, NOT a pedestrian crossing.

Deno had some sort of mystery illness last night that seems to be lingering so I was a bit hesitant to suggest walking too far today.

He was better this morning but we both didn't get much sleep. We had a breezy morning walking through the Sunshine City part of Ikebukuro.

And look what we saw!

Another themed cafe (they really are everywhere)

Lots of Hello Kitty stuff in there including...

... a Hello Kitty Piano!! It had a sign in front of it but it was all in Japanese and I didn't think it was the "play it any time you want" kind.

I'm getting a bit sad because we only have two more full days left here in Tokyo.

I don't know when we'll be able to come back so I want to spend the last days doing the things I love, going to my favourite places one more time.

After walking the streets of Ikebukuro guess where we ended up for lunch.

It had to happen at some point.

If you don't know why Shakey's is relevant ask Deno sometime.

He will love to tell you! (Just as he told the waiter who took us to our table)

The food here was different to any that he's known though. The pizza was wafer thin. I had one of the pasta's they had on offer and it was surprisingly okay. Not good. Just ok. They had taco filling, macaroni cheese, nachos, rice, curry and some sort of soup as well. I took a couple of photos.

I'm pretty sure some of these pizza's below are dessert pizzas.

It's not as hot here today as yesterday, but it's still very humid and I was worried Deno wasn't quite 100% so we went back to our apartment for a little rest before heading out again. While walking around I did notice an old man with a t-shirt that said "you need Jesus" and I wondered if he knew it said that on there.

I could tell you lots of funny English translation things we've seen but I'm reluctant to share as much of those this time because it's their second language. I mean, how many Australians know more than one language? I'm not talking about immigrants here!

So, good on them for giving it a good ole go. The only thing I wonder about is why they don't get a native English speaker to check their signs. Maybe they do it on purpose so it's a talking point? Advertising?

Tonight we stayed around Ikebukuro and watched some entertainment that was happening on the square.

Not sure who they were but it was nice to listen to and there were quite a few people there just enjoying the music.

We went back to the other side of the station and I took a couple of snaps. All lights.

I finally found Matcha bread. At least, that's what I think it is. I asked the lady in the store, in Japanese, what it was and I didn't hear "matcha" in her answer but I bought it anyway and tasted it when we got back and it does taste like Matcha tea! The bread here is really different.

So soft and spongey.

Like cake.

Lastly, looks like we're running out of time to get kidnapped by a kind Japanese family who want to adopt a couple of Westerners. Tell your Japanese friends.


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