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Writer's pictureMargot Saites

Lemon Tree, Oh so pretty, but Limoncello is better

If you walk into my house you'll see lots of empty, or water filled, liquor bottles.

While alcohol has fuelled my dancing habit (just ask me for the video) the empty bottles are not from a night of partying or shameful solo drinking.

Most people will politely not ask any questions but if they DID, they would find out that I've been making my own liqueurs and need bottles to put it in!

So no judgement please.

It started so simply. My mum had made some Limoncello and it was delicious!!

I still remember that day. We were at a relative's wedding and she had put some of it into a small water bottle and held it under the table while she whispered "Pssst, I brought you some. Put it in your bag."

The only drawback with making Limoncello is the three weeks you have to wait while the lemon peel soaks in the alcohol! Everyday of that first batch, I gave it a little shake to make sure that lemon was being distributed evenly. And then when the end of the soaking period came, I made the sugar syrup, put it all together and heaven!

It took me right back to an evening in Rome when hubby said I should finish the Limoncello before we leave to go out. It was only a little bottle so I thought finish the bottle. Right? Surely he didn't mean the tiny bit he'd put in my glass. It's just so drinkable!

But half hour later he realised we weren't going anywhere that night and there was now no more Limoncello.

Ah Rome... how I miss you so!

I made that a few more times and also tried my hand at an Orange liqueur but then found an old recipe for Kahlua. Oh dear god was this a success!!!

I tweaked a few things in the recipe and the next time I made it I used three litre bottles of alcohol, which made five litres of Kahlua.

Having said that, it's not really a cost saving exercise. By the time you factor in your time and the little bits and pieces you have to buy, you're not far off even.

The reason I do it is for that proud "I made it myself" moment.

At the moment I have some lemons soaking in alcohol that are two and a half weeks from being ready, and some more alcohol is being delivered this week so I can make more Kahlua.

If you want to give it a go and want the recipes (or want to see some cool Prosecco inspired dance moves), just drop me an email!

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Nov 14, 2021

Lol! Love it

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