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Writer's pictureMargot Saites

You put your left arm in you put your left arm out

I was recently doing some training on Public Speaking and the presenters were showing us how to improve this skill.

One of the things they were showing was use of hands.

Now there are some speakers who do this naturally. So naturally that you don't even notice they're doing it! You probably just find them engaging and that's that.

Then there are others that have gone through this "hand" training thing and make it look so awkward that I don't end up listening to what they're saying.

I just keep looking at that arm being thrust out and in, up and down.

It's like an ungraceful conductor who has lost control of their orchestra.

Or maybe like your average Italian (like me)

I won't name and shame but there are a couple of weather presenters, lovely as they are, who are very guilty of this!

Still, speaking in front of people is not an easy thing and not many people get it right the first time so hats off to anyone who is brave enough to do it whether they flash their arms around or not.

For me, I guess when my turn comes I'll have to rely on my natural charm and witty humour (insert laugh here)

But seriously, what would be interesting, and what they recommend, is to film yourself giving your speech and watch it back and note where improvement can occur.

I'd be interested in giving that a go - and would make sure to delete that file immediately! Can't afford to have any payback material lying around. After my last post hubby is chomping at the bit! (Sorry honey)

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