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Writer's pictureMargot Saites

All I want for Xmas is...

Christmas afternoon had us with belts unbuckled contemplating over indulgence and also why we do this to ourselves every year.

I love being with my family but I do that all the time. I don't need to wait for Christmas for that.

I understand the religious reasons people celebrate and that's a beautiful thing but what I don't understand is why people get themselves into debt to buy their family gifts that will be discarded when the next shiny thing comes along.

How did we let this happen?

Sometimes I wonder if people think the amount they spend on a gift is directly proportional to the amount of love they have for that person. Or at least, that's what they want that person to think.

But it's not that way is it?

In fact buying a gift is probably one of the easier things you can do.

Here's something that's more valuable and doesn't cost money - Doing something for somebody else.

Taking them to doctors appointments if they're not mobile - doing their grocery shopping - spending time with someone who doesn't have many visitors or is lonely.

Making an effort to brighten someone's day.

Now THAT I can get behind!

My husband was finding it hard because I said "lets not get each other gifts this year" I mean it's pointless isn't it? If I want something, I just go out and buy it, if he wants something, he just goes out and buys it.

It's our money we're spending anyway so? What's the difference?

But then he said "I could clean the house for you"

Unfortunately I got stuck on the "for you" part of that sentence and commented on that with indignance when really I should have said "Yes, that one, do that one. I'll take that"

Now that Christmas 2021 is done a sense of relief has washed over me. No more expectations, no more frenzied shopping or social events.

I'm just content that I have the best family and the best husband anyone could wish for.

However you celebrate this season, I hope you've had love, laughter and have many good things to look forward to.

Peace Out.

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1 Comment

Dec 25, 2021

Yes! So true. Love it xx

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