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Writer's pictureMargot Saites

Turning Margonese, I really think so - Day Four

One thing that confuses me here is the layout of streets. Maybe I'm just spoilt, living in paralleled streets of Adelaide. They just go all over the place here in all sorts of directions. What you may think of as a "side" street has tons of people going up and down it.

I mention this because I spent a good hour trying to work out how to get to our address in Tokyo today (next week's location) using google maps. No luck. I mean I have a general idea but I'm not going to find it on that. We'll just have to have our google maps on and GPS walking to the place.

I forgot to mention that yesterday, I asked a woman if the train we were waiting for was going to a particular station. I asked her in the best Japanese I had. She answered me, I turned to relay the answer to Deno in English, and when I turned back, she was gone. She was probably worried I was going to ask more questions!! Or maybe she didn't know what the hell I was saying and we got on the right train by accident.

We set out to look at Kuromon fish market today and stopped for breakfast along the way.

We didn't order the eggslut set as shown on the menu next to me, but I'm kind of interested in what it could be

I later googled and found this although that could be just in reference to the Eggslut chain.

Japan has more vending machines per capita than any other country in the world.

You can find vending machines for just about anything, including cigarettes and alcohol (pictured).

They just trust that if you're not of age, you won't buy it I guess. I haven't seen any of the naughty vending machines I've heard about. The most interesting one was near Mt Fuji that spat out hot chips. Yum.

Again, it was hot, and the smell of Kuromon market hit us before we saw this sign.

We are not seafood people so we weren't excited about it. We just wanted to see it. I'll share the pictures of it. Some things were really expensive.

They also had chestnuts.... and, the fruit here is super expensive but pretty delicious. For example, this rock melon below is just over $3 Australian a PIECE

A few more photos as we walked back through Dotonbouri

We walked by a Tesla showroom and decided to go in,

The guy in there was so nice and after sitting in a couple I think Deno was ready to find out about bringing one over to Australia.

They really were nice!

We've seen people taking portable fans out to try to beat this heat. We haven't been able to find one. Deno was going to stop someone to ask them where they got it front. I had the phrase ready - それはどこで買いましたか? or Sore wa doko de kaimashita ka? In English, Where did you by this? But, after that, we didn't see anyone with them so I didn't get a chance to use my phrase and so far, my Japanese has been a fail today. Took a few pics in the drugstore

I don't know. I mean I know English isn't their first language but surely, they could find a non Japanese person whose first language is English to advise them.

It's just my "happy I'm in Japan" face. Still so hot. Still so sweaty but still so happy to be here. Even the crowds aren't bothering me as much as they would anywhere else.

For lunch we went to an old favourite, Brooklyn Parlour. We just love this place!!

Food is probably overpriced but there's a great atmosphere and everyone is so nice.

Had a bad Japanese speaking experience in here. She didn't understand what I was saying. she gave me her phone to write it in English, and it would automatically translate to Japanese but she still didn't understand what I was trying to communicate.

So I just said

大丈夫 (Daijōbu) and hoped for the best. But I didn't have to worry as our order was right.

Look at the B on the burger for Brooklyn! I love it!

Ever since watching some show about food in Japan I have wanted to try Natto. Could never find it in Adelaide. Didn't think about it until today! So this afternoon I went out and found it in a convenience store!!! Look at that stickiness!! Just like a snail trail.

I rushed back to our apartment because I wanted to try it right away.

Was mine going to be sticky like the picture on the packaging?

The answer is YES IT WAS!

It wasn't bad. I could have done without the wasabi sauce it came with.

I could definitely do without the snail trail but if you don't look at it, it's fine.

Sad that day four is almost over. Time is going too quickly now!! I want to stay here. For now,


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