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Writer's pictureMargot Saites

Turning Margonese, I really think so - Day Eight

The other day we were waiting at a station and I wasn't 100% sure the next train was going to take us to the station we wanted. So I went up to three young boys also waiting and said in my most confident Japanese - すみません次の電車は西九条行きますか? or Sumimasen Tsugi no densha wa Nishikujō-ikimas ka? And the boy said..... "Sorry I don't speak Japanese"

So went up to the next person, a young girl, and asked the same question. She confirmed yes then walked away quickly.

Why do people keep doing that.

Today we went to Nara! The deer place. But really, it's so much more than deer. Just before we got off the train, Deno started calling one of his sisters.

"Deno" I shrieked "You can't talk on the phone!!" So he hung up, but not before someone answered. So of course, they called right back but we had to hang up. It was pretty embarrassing on the train. All eyes were on us. I can't emphasise how rude it is to talk on the phone on a train here.

We called back as soon as we were out. Very exciting to be here! It was quite familiar as we'd been here before. We wanted to see deer, or at least, take photos of deer, then maybe see one or two things we hadn't seen before. We saw a couple of temples/shrines first. Honestly, although they are impressive, at times I think, seen one, seen them all. But yes, they still are impressive and it's worth going to have a look. Here's a few pics we took. The first is looking across a little lake towards the Visitors Centre where we spent a LOT of time.

Here's a video of us walking up to a group of deer just standing on the footpath with the human pedestrians.

I'm sure he's saying "What are you doing down there" to his friend.

We went to the Visitor's Centre and met a guy who's mission was to keep us there for as long as he possibly could. At least, that's what it felt like.

Now, don't get me wrong, he was so nice!! and had a lot to say! and we did some really fun things there but after what seemed like a very long time, I looked to Deno and said "I think we're about to get kidnapped - at least we'll be able to stay in Japan" We did some drawing of Katakana - trying to write our names. Then he had our names done in Kanji and we tried to draw those too.

That one above is mine! That part was so fun! I didn't take a photo of Deno's but we've got them to take home with us. How nice were they to do that! and they gave us gifts too. Chopsticks and things like that. So nice. But it was really so hard to get away. I didn't want to be rude but at one point I put my hand on Deno's arm and said we had to go... and still the man kept talking and we couldn't leave without being rude.

More deer...

These pics were taken on the way to the big Buddah. The man in the Visitor's Centre told us not to go there. He said everyone knows Nara for deer and the big Buddah. You don't want to be like everyone else. Learn the real history, learn about Ashura. He told us the story and it was interesting but... we didn't see whatever it was he wanted us to go see. If you want to know more about Ashura click here.

Just another funny sign in the park section.

Lots of these things around - not sure what they're called.

Kyoto had them too.

This guy REALLY struggled to take off with these two.

He wouldn't have had a chance with Deno and I.

Despite what the Visitor Centre man said, we went to see the big Buddah and took pics along the way. Actually, we didn't make it IN to see the Buddah, just went nearby. That counts right?

I think this one is waiting for the sale to start.

This little guy was all over the place too.

I wish I could tell you more about him but, I just don't know.

On the trains, when the conductors come through, they bow as they enter your carriage, and bow again just before they leave it.

How cool is that.

And here's a nice view of Osaka from our train.

Tomorrow we leave for Tokyo!!! Goodbye sweet Osaka. See you next time. For now... OYASUMINASAI

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